Guy Arches Back Too High Funny Video

What is Hyperlordosis?


Hyperlordosis refers to the excessive arch in the lower back.

(It involves hyper extension in the Lumbar Spine.)

What causes Hyperlordosis?

This blog post will specifically address the following 7 causes of an arched back (Hyperlordosis).

1. Tight/Overactive muscles involved with Hyperlordosis

tight erector spinae muscles

The following tight and/or overactive muscles will increase the pronounced curvature in the lower back.

  • Erector Spinae group
  • Quadratus Lumborum
  • Latissimus Dorsi (through the thoracolumbar fascia)
  • Psoas

2. Weak core muscles

elongated abdominal muscles

With Hyperlordosis, the abdominal region is placed in a relatively elongated/stretched position.

This can result in weakness in the following core muscles:

  • Internal obliques
  • Transversus abdominis
  • Rectus abdominis

One of the primary roles of the abdominal muscles is to oppose the strong pull of the lower back muscles in order to maintain a normal Lumbar spine curve.

3. Weak Glute muscles

The lower back muscles (i.e. Lumbar Spine erectors) will tend to compensate for weak glute muscles.

This can lead to over-activity of the erector muscles in the Lumbar spine which results in hyper extension of the lower back.

4. Anterior Pelvic Tilt

arched back

The pelvis and lower back are directly connected with each other.

If the pelvis is tilted forwards, this will automatically increase the curve in the lower back (Lumbar lordosis).

5. Thoracic Kyphosis

thoracic kyphosis

A hunched upper back will usually be compensated by the over arching of the lower back.

This is the body's attempt to keep the head in a more up right position.

6. Ineffective breathing technique

A sub-optimal breathing pattern may recruit the back muscles which are responsible for pulling the lower back into extension.

7. Obesity

The weight of the belly (especially during pregnancy and in the overweight) can tilt the pelvis forward and pull the lower back into excessive extension.

How do you know if you have Hyperlordosis?

Here are 3 simple tests you can perform to determine if you have an exaggerated curve in your lower back.

1.Side profile analysis

lumbar hyperlordosis


  • Take a side profile photo of your standing posture.
  • Take note of the curve in the lower back.

Results : If you can observe a significant arch in the lower back, then you have a Hyperlordosis.

2. Lying down test

test for hyperlordosis


  • Lie down on your back.
  • Keep your legs completely straight.
  • Stay relaxed.
  • Feel for a gap between your lower back and the floor.
    • You can check this by sliding your hand underneath your back.

Results : If you can easily fit your hand underneath your lower back, then you likely have Hyperlordosis.

3. Get a X-ray

A lateral view of your Lumbar spine via X-ray scan can be used to determine if you have an arched lower back.

What can lumbar Hyperlordosis increase the risk of?

It can result in an excessive amount of compression in the muscles and joints in the Lumbar spine.

This can lead issues such as :

  • Nerve impingement
  • Joint degeneration
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Muscular tightness
  • Postural issues
  • Low back pain

Can my Hyperlordosis be fixed?

As long as the joints in your Lumbar spine have not fused together, then there is a good chance that you will be able to restore your natural curve.

To check if you are fused:

Can my Hyperlordosis be fixed?


  • Kneel down on the floor.
  • Reach your hands as far forwards as possible.
  • Place both palms on the floor in front of you.
  • Sink your hips backwards towards the back of your heels.

Results : If you can completely reverse the arch in your lower back (i.e. lumbar spine flexion), then you do not have fused joints in this area!

Want to fix your Posture?
Join me on the Facebook page!
(I share my best tips there!)

Exercises to reduce an arched back

1. Release the tight muscles

The tight muscles which are involved with increasing the arch in the lower back will need to be released.

a) Lower back

releases for arched back


  • Lie on the floor with your hip and knees bent.
  • Place a massage ball under the tight muscles in the lower back region.
  • Target muscles :
    • Quadratus Lumborum
    • Erector Spinae
    • Latissimus Dorsi
    • (Note: if you are unsure of where these muscles are located, check them out on Google.)
  • Relax your body weight on top of the ball.
  • Do not hold your breath.
  • Move your body in a circular motion on top of the ball to target the tight areas.
  • Proceed to cover all the muscles for at least 1-2 minutes each.

2. Stretches

The tight muscles which are involved with increasing the arch in the lower back will need to be stretched.

a)Child's Pose

stretches for hyperlordosis


  • Kneel on the floor.
  • Spread and reach your hands as far in front of you as possible.
  • Sit back into your hips.
  • Aim to feel a stretch in the lower back.
  • Take deep breaths in and out
  • Do this for 1 minute.

For more stretches : Erector Spinae Stretches.

b) Side stretch

(Muscle: Quadratus Lumborum, Latissimus Dorsi)

stretches for arched back


  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
  • Bend all the way towards one side.
  • Reach your arm over.
  • Aim to feel a stretch on the side of your body to the lower back.
  • Hold this position for 1 minute.
  • Alternate sides.

For more stretches : Quadratus Lumborum Stretches.

c)Hip flexor stretch

psoas stretch


  • Assume a deep lunge position.
  • Lunge forwards.
  • Tuck your tail bone underneath you.
  • Lean slightly backwards.
  • Aim to feel a stretch in the front of the hip of the back leg.
  • Hold the stretch for a minimum of 1 minute.
  • Repeat at least 3 times on each side.

d) Lower Back Decompression

(This stretch will help loosen up the tight joints in your lower back.)

lower back decompression


  • Lie on top of a large exercise ball. (Facing downwards)
  • Position your body so that your lower back is in line with the top of the ball.
  • Completely relax your legs and allow them to dangle.
    • Let the weight of your legs pull on the lower back.
  • Support your body using your hands only.
  • Allow the toes to gently rest on the floor.
  • Aim to feel a stretch in the lower back.
  • Hold for30 seconds.

For more exercises like this : Spinal Decompression.

3. Control your spine

It is important to know the point (red line) of where the most hyper extension occurs in the lumbar spine.

This point will dictate the specific area of your lower back that you should be targeting with the following exercise.

Lumbar spine segmentation

(… this is NOT an easy exercise!)

Lumbar spine segmentation


  • Assume the 4 point kneel position with your back arched.
  • Tuck your pelvis under.
  • Starting from the bottom of your spine, gradually round your lumbar spine one level a time.
  • You will need to focus your attention on rounding the region of your spine where it arches backwards the most.
  • Reset to the starting position.
  • Repeat 5 times.

4. Learn to breathe

Your breathing is crucial in maintaining the correct posture of your lower back.

"Breathing?… What has that got to do with my Hyperlordosis?"

… A LOT!

The following breathing exercise is designed to encourage the engagement of the main breathing muscle (called the Diaphragm) by lowering the position of the ribs.

As the lower ribs drop down, there will be a reduction in the excessive arch in the lower back.

Diaphragm activation :

hyperlordosis breathing


  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor.
  • Tilt your pelvis backwards to help flatten your lower back onto the floor.
  • Take a deep breath in through your nose and slowly exhaleALL of the air out through your mouth.
  • As you reach the point where you havecompletely emptied out your lungs, notice how your lower ribs and lower back sink towards the ground.
  • Maintain this lowered rib position throughout this breathing exercise by gently engaging your abdominal muscles.
    • Draw your belly button in.
  • Take a deep breath in.
    • Aim to breathe into the entire circumference of your lower rib cage region.
  • Breathe out all the air out of you lungs.
    • Allow the lower ribs sink to the floor as you do this.
  • Continue this diaphragmatic breathing for 3-5 repetitions.

4. Core Strengthening Exercise

The aim of this exercise is to engage your abdominal wall to keep your lumbar spine in a moreneutral position.

The following exercises (called the "Dead Bug" exercise) are very important when addressing Hyperlordosis.

As everyone is at different strength levels, I have included 3 variations of the Dead Bug exercise for you to try.

Note :

  • Keep the lower back COMPLETELY flat against the floor… ALL OF THE TIME.
  • Do not let the lower back arch and lift off the ground.
  • There should beNO tension in your lower back whilst performing these exercises.
  • Think about keeping your lower ribs down atall times.
  • Remember to engage the core and abdominal muscles throughout all movements.

a) Leg drop (bent knee)

core exercises for hyperlordosis


  • Lie on your back with your knee and hip bent at 90 degrees.
  • Your feet should not be in contact with the floor.
  • Keep both knees bent throughout the exercise.
  • Whilst keeping one knee bent towards your chest, slowly lower the other leg towards the ground.
  • Only lower as far as you can whilst maintaining your lower back completely flat on the ground.
  • Return back to starting position.
  • Alternate legs.
  • Repeat 10 times.

b) Leg drop (straight leg)

dead bug exercise for arched back


  • Lie on your back with your knee and hip bent at 90 degrees. (feet off floor)
  • Keeping your right knee bent towards your chest, slowly lower AND straighten the left leg towards the ground.
  • Only lower as far as you can whilst maintaining your lower back completely flat on the ground.
  • Return back to starting position.
  • Alternate legs.
  • Repeat 10 times.

c) Alternate arm/leg drop

core exercise


  • Lie on your back with your knee and hip bent at 90 degrees (feet off floor) and arms straight up into the air.
  • Slowly lower the opposite arm and leg towards the ground.
  • Only lower as far as you can whilst maintaining your lower back completely flat on the ground.
  • Return back to starting position.
  • Alternate opposite arm/legs.
  • Repeat 10 times.
  • Note : If you're like most of the people that I have taught this to, you will probably hold your breath whilst performing these exercises. Make sure that you do NOT hold your breath!

For more Core Exercises:

See post : Core Activation Exercises.

5.Strengthen the Glutes

The lower back muscles will tend to over activate and extend the lower back as a compensation for weak glute muscles.

Here are 3 glute activation exercises:

(Remember: Engage your abdominal muscles and breathe properly!)

a) Standing kick back

glute strengthening exercise for hyperlordosis


  • Stand upright.
  • Keep your lower ribs down by engaging your abdominal muscles throughout this exercise.
  • Extend your leg backwards until you feel your glute muscles contract firmly.
  • Do NOT arch your back.
  • Hold for 5 seconds.
  • Alternate legs for20 repetitions each.

b)4 pt kneel kick back

glute strengthening exercises


  • Assume the 4 point kneel position.
  • Keep your back straight by engaging your abdominal muscles throughout the exercise.
  • Extend your leg backwards until you feel your gluteal muscles contract firmly.
  • Do not rotate your body. Only your leg should be moving.
  • Do not arch your lower back.
  • Hold for 5 seconds.
  • Alternate legs for 20 repetitions each.



  • Lie down on your back with your knees bent.
  • Flatten your lower back to the ground.
  • Keep your lower ribs down by engaging your abdominal muscles.
  • By pushing off with your heels, lift your buttocks off the floor.
  • Only lift as high as you can without arching your lower back.
  • Hold for 5 seconds.
  • Repeat 10 times.

For more exercises for the glutes:

See post : Glute Activation Exercises.

6. Address flared Ribs

Flared Ribs is when the lower portion at the front of your rib cage protrudes forwards and out.

flared ribs

If you have Flared Ribs AND Hyperlordosis, addressing the position of your ribs will likely reduce the arch of the lower back.

For more information : Exercises for Flared Ribs.

When sitting or standing: Your rib cage should feed directly into your pelvis.

This will place the lumbar spine in a more neutral position.

How to position the ribs correctly:

flared ribs hyperlordosis
  • Place your hand at the front of the lower rib cage.
  • Gently guide your lower rib cage down and backwards.
  • You should feel some pressure being taken off your lower back.
    • … if you are very tight, you might even feel a stretch.
  • Note: If you find that you are in a more hunched position after this correction, you will need to address the Hunchback Posture.

Keep your torso NEUTRAL!

Imagine you have a beam of light shooting out of your chest.

In most of you, your light would be pointing in a slight upward or downward direction.

Aim to keep the beam of light horizontal .

This will place your torso in a more neutral position.

7. Positions to be aware of

There are certain exercises and positions that you will need to be careful with.

a) Arching your back

exercises to avoid with hyperlordosis

As your lumbar spine is already in a position of hyper extension, be careful of activities/exercises which forces the back into further extension.

Note : I'm not saying to completely avoid doing them altogether. (There is time and place for these exercises.) Just be careful!

b) How do you sleep with Hyperlordosis?

how to sleep with hyperlordosis

Do you have an excessive arch in your back whilst lying flat on your back?

If so, I recommend sleeping on your back with a pillow underneath your knees.

This will help reduce lumbar extension whilst in the lying down position.

Note : Another option is sleeping on your side.

For more information : Sleeping posture recommendations.

c) Over head activities

If you have pain and/or stiffness in the shoulder, it is likely that you will also over arch the lower back as a compensation as you reach over head.


  • Standing shoulder press at the gym
  • Reaching over head to place clothes on the line
  • Painting the ceiling

You will need to address your shoulder issue to prevent the lumbar spine from over arching when using your arms above your head.

8. Reduce Belly Size

A large belly will shift the center of mass forwards leading to the body being pulled forwards.

To counteract this forward pull – the lower back will automatically arch backwards to prevent the body from falling forwards.

Reducing belly size will help keep the center of mass over the feet and reduce the need for the lower back to arch backwards.

9. Fix your Poor Posture

Although you will see significant improvements in your Hyperlordosis by performing the above mentioned exercises, it is also important to check if you have the following postures.

Hyperlordosis is commonly associated with the following types of postures:

1. Anterior Pelvic Tilt

anterior pelvic tilt hyperlordosis

This is where the pelvis tilts forwards.

As the pelvis tilts forwards, it will automatically arch the lower back.

Feel free to check out this comprehensive guide on how to fix this issue:

See post : How to Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt.

2. Thoracic Kyphosis

kyphosis hyperlordosis

This is where the upper back curves forwards.

As the upper back curves forwards, the head is oriented downwards.

To maintain the head in an up right position, the body will compensate by over arching the lower back.

Feel free to check out this comprehensive guide on how to fix this issue:

See post : How to Fix Thoracic Kyphosis.

Here are some simple exercises to get you started on fixing your Thoracic Kyphosis:

a) Thoracic Extension

thoracic extension


  • Position your upper back over a foam roller.
  • Support the back of your head with your hands.
  • Arch backwards.
  • Make sure that you do not flare your lower rib cage out.
  • DO NOT arch your lower back.
  • Oscillate in the end range position for30 repetitions.
  • Note : If using a foam roller is uncomfortable, try using something thinner.(eg. rolled up towel)

b) Thoracic Extension Strengthening

thoracic strengthening exercise


  • Lie down on your stomach with your hands stretched out in front of you.
  • Lift up your chest so that it is slightly off the ground.
  • Keep your upper abdominal region flat on the ground.
  • Do not over arch your lower back.
  • Aim to feel the contraction in the middle to upper spine.
  • Hold for5-10 seconds.
  • Repeat10 times.
  • Note : If this exercise is too difficult, keep your hands in contact with the floor to help you lift the weight of your torso.

In summary:

a)Release the tight muscles that are holding you into Hyperlordosis.

b) Engage the abdominal muscles to bring your spine into optimal alignment.

c)Strengthen your glutes to reduce reliance on your back extensor muscles.

d)Use the correct breathing muscles.

e) Address other postural areas that may be contributing to your arched back.

What to do next…

1. Any questions?… Leave me a comment down below.

2. Come join me on the Facebook page. Let's keep in touch!

3. Start doing the exercises!

The content presented on this blog post is not medical advice and should not be treated as such. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Use of the content on this blog post is at your sole risk. For more information: Medical disclaimer.


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