Every Thing You Wanted to Know About Prison Food

Meals served to prisoners

Prisoners lining up for food in the prison of Malang, Java, some fourth dimension between 1921 and 1932

Prison food is the term for meals served to prisoners while incarcerated in correctional institutions. While some prisons gear up their own food, many use staff from on-site catering companies. Some prisons support the dietary requirements of specific religions, likewise every bit vegetarianism.[1] [ amend source needed ] Prisoners will typically receive a serial of standard meals per solar day from the prison, only in many prisons they can supplement their diets by purchasing additional foods, including snacks and desserts, at the prison house commissary with money earned from working in the prison or sent by family unit and friends.

Around the world [edit]

N America [edit]

U.s.a. [edit]

Typical menus are designed to be low-sugar, low-salt, and to contain a moderate amount of calories. Dietary, religious, and upstanding concerns are taken into consideration to a certain extent. Supreme Court cases in 1987, Turner v. Safley and O'Lone five. Manor of Shabazz, created a exam that balanced the constitutional rights of prisoners to exercise their religion freely confronting the rights of the prisons to punish inmates and keep the prison in lodge. Whether or not a prison has breached an inmate's religious dietary rights is now judged from the cases of Turner and O'Alone. While this test is still in use, many other constitutional points come into play, and it is yet a widely debated event.[ii]

Most prison nutrient in the U.s. is prepared with the blast-chill method, which allows a big number of meals to exist prepared and and then reheated at repast times. In the US, this technique was pioneered by the New Jersey correctional system, in Jan 1982.[three]

Inmates may also buy food at the prison commissary, such as chocolate bars, beef hasty, honey, peanut butter, bread, ramen noodles, coffee, and snack cakes.

Ofttimes, private noncombatant contractors are responsible for all aspects of food preparation, including training, adherence to recipes, food safety, theft prevention, and portion control.

Jewish prisoners may be issued kosher rations.[four] [ improve source needed ]

As of October two, 2016, federal prisons offer their inmates a vegan meal option for breakfast, tiffin, and dinner.[five]

Although there is a sure amount of self-regulation, near oversight occurs as a event of inmate litigation. Complaints against prison food accept been made on the grounds of breach of Ramble Amendments. In item, claims of inadequate food may alienation the Eighth Amendment banning cruel and unusual penalization, and deprival of specific food requirements on religious grounds breach the Commencement Amendment.[half dozen] It was not until 1976, during the Estelle v. Run a risk case, that courts began to utilise the Eighth Amendment for issues involving cruel and unusual punishment against inmates; however, the bug must involve ane.) "Whether the injury was objectively, sufficiently serious," and 2.) "Whether the prison official was deliberately indifferent to the inmate's needs." This can be interpreted by different courts in various ways. For case, ane court may see depriving a disobedient inmate of food as "sufficiently serious," therefore going confronting the Eighth Amendment, while another courtroom may see it as an advisable measure of penalty, therefore in line with the 8th Amendment.[seven]

State prisons often prefer to conduct their own inspections; all the same, they may opt for accreditation from a nonprofit organisation such every bit the American Correctional Association. Approximately fourscore% of state departments of corrections are involved with such oversight organizations.[6]

Example of meals [edit]

An example of a meal from a state prison is as follows:[8]

  • 2–three ounces of meat or meat byproduct
  • half a loving cup of vegetables
  • three-quarters of a cup of a starch
  • iii-quarters of a cup of salad with dressing

There is concern about the alter of food preparation practices. There accept been several documented examples of mass disease within prisons from the food served.[ix] At that place take been hunger strikes from prisoners protesting beingness served food that makes them ill afterwards eating. Whistle blowers and reporters have documented mouse droppings and various violations of standards in prison kitchens.[9] It is no longer allowed for family to bring food nor share with loved ones behind bars; rather families tin can transfer coin for a fee to allow inmates to purchase packaged foods such as prepared noodle packages and candy from the prison store.[ commendation needed ] There is thus commonly no mode for inmates to ever have access to fresh food. Aramark, who has provided the meals to many prisons in the U.s.a. since 2004, has been sharply criticized for lowering standards and not providing sufficient quantities of edible food.[nine]

In federal prisons, breakfasts usually consist of a danish, hot or cold cereal, and milk. The other two meals of the day include foods such every bit chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, lasagna, burritos, tacos, and fish patties. Inmates only have access to milk in the mornings, and have access to water and a flavored drink for the other two meals.[10]

Prisoners have been known to create prison "spreads", or privately prepared meals with items purchased from a prison commissary, obtained from government-mandated meals to prisoners, or obtained from a prison kitchen. Spreads can often become communal gatherings of prisoners, with the full general expectation that each prisoner contributes one aspect of the meal. Prison spreads are largely a response to inadequate food quality, quantity and/or diverseness within the meals served past the prison itself.[eleven] [12]

Europe [edit]

United Kingdom [edit]

In jails in the late 1830s prisoners were issued a spoon, a 2-pint zinc dish for broth, and a 3-gill zinc bowl for milk. During winter, when milk was in short supply, prisoners would occasionally be provided with treacle h2o.

Strict rules governed the quantity of food given to prisoners. For example, a female person who was non in condition for work would receive around one and a half pints of broth and half dozen ounces of staff of life. A male prisoner who was in status for work would go two pints of goop and twelve ounces of bread.

Breakfast, served at 7:30 am, would comprise 5 ounces of oatmeal porridge with 3/4 of a pint of milk. Lunch, served at 12:00 pm, consisted of soup and staff of life. Each pint of soup was required to comprise one ounce of ox caput or marrow bones, 1 1/2 ounces of barley, 1/ii ounces of greenish peas, 1 i/two ounces of leeks, and various other vegetables. Supper was served at half dozen:00 pm, and consisted of five ounces of oatmeal porridge and i/2 of a pint of milk.[13]

Up until virtually 2004 (in near prisons), prison meals were prepared by prisoners under the supervision of prison employees.[ commendation needed ] The motion towards privatization of meal preparation and rationing resulted in numerous changes from historical practices.[9] In some prisons due east.g. HMP Norwich, the prison meals are still prepared by prisoners.[ citation needed ]

Current food [edit]

The average daily allowance per prisoner is £1.87, and tin can exist as low as £i.20. In some cases, particularly in juvenile institutions, allowances can exist as high as £three.45 per day.

The total catering expenditure past the HM Prison Service in 2004–2005 was £94 million, £43 million of which was spent on food, and £32 one thousand thousand was spent on catering staff. Some prisoners piece of work in the kitchens, supervised by catering staff, and this is a pop prison task as information technology involves working at weekends and therefore attracts college pay, every bit well as providing a chance to obtain some skills in cooking.[ citation needed ]

Meals are generally non made from seasonal produce, simply instead use convenience foods such as canned goods, frozen vegetables, hamburgers and pies.[14]

Examples of meals [edit]

Examples of menus in a London prison house are as follows:[15]


  • Vegetarian pasta broil
  • Chicken & mushroom pie
  • Halal Jamaican beef patty
  • Corned beef & pickle roll
  • Jacket potato & coleslaw


  • Vegetable supreme
  • Chicken supreme
  • Halal chicken curry
  • Grilled gammon
  • Pork pie salad

Africa [edit]

Egypt [edit]

Regular meals served to prisoners are bones. For lunch prisoners are typically served dishes such as common cold pieces of boiled meat, eggs, or skinny chicken basic, white rice, and vegetable soup, and dinner consists of foods such equally ful medames (a traditional Egyptian dish of fava beans, vegetable oil, and cumin) with dried breadstuff made from mixed flours. Each prison house has a bottle where prisoners can buy additional food such equally meat, vegetables, and fruits to supplement their diet. Many prisoners too have food brought to them by their families.[16] [17]

Rwanda [edit]

Prisoners receive ii bones meals a day, a breakfast of maize or sorghum porridge and a lunch or dinner of a maize porridge called Ugali and beans. Extra food is available for purchase at the prison house canteen or can exist brought by visitors.[18]

Asia [edit]

Kingdom of saudi arabia [edit]

Prisoners in Saudi Arabia are served foods such equally bread and sandwiches for breakfast, chicken, mutton, and fish for lunch, and rice and vegetables for dinner. Prisoners too receive rations such as salads, milk, and juice.[xix]

South Korea [edit]

Kongbap, a dish consisting of white or brown rice cooked together with grains, peas, and beans, is a common staple in Korean prisons. Prisoners are likewise served dishes such as bread with love apple sauce, cheese, soup, salad, and soy milk at breakfast and bone marrow and vegetable soup, kimchi, and beansprouts at lunch.[xx] Other foods such equally fruits and meats are available for purchase at prison commissaries.

Vietnam [edit]

Every prisoner is entitled to 17 kilograms of rice, 15 kilograms of vegetables, 0.seven kilograms of meat, 0.eight kilograms of fish, 0.five kilograms of saccharide, and 1 kilogram of salt per calendar month.[21]

Listing of prison foods [edit]

  • Last meal – When prisoners are on expiry row they are entitled to one last meal of their choice, which is served to them two hours before they are executed. Studies show that nearly of the time death row inmates choose foods that are loftier in calories and fat such as french chips and hamburgers. In some The states states, for example, Texas, final meals were limited to 20 dollars.[ citation needed ] Even so, in other states such as Florida and Indiana, last meals are limited to twoscore dollars. California allows for up to fifty dollars to be spent on the last meal. Most states require that the final meal be locally available. If the meal exceeds these cost limits they will either reduce the portions or brand the inmate choose something else. For case, a Texas inmate who asked to exist served 24 soft shell tacos was only given 4. Information technology was likewise found that concluding meal requests reflected the inmates' nationality.[22] [ folio needed ]
  • Nutraloaf – Nutraloaf is given to prisoners who misbehave.[23] [24] [25] Nutraloaf unremarkably is a blended concoction of previous days' meals. Nutraloaf can be described every bit very bland and paper-thin-like. However, information technology has all of the vitamins and nutrients that are needed to survive. The morality behind nutraloaf is a widely controversial result. Many fence that serving nutraloaf to prisoners is unethical and goes confronting particular rights. Even so, prison staff argues that nutraloaf reduces violence tremendously.[26]
  • Mystery meat – similar to bologna sausage
  • Porridge – a quondam staple in Great britain prisons
  • Ričet – a European barley, edible bean, vegetable and pork stew sometimes associated with prisons
  • Gruel

See also [edit]

  • Hardtack, the military machine ration of hard breadstuff
  • Diet in Hinduism
  • Islamic dietary laws
  • Jewish dietary laws

References [edit]

  1. ^ Practice Prison Inmates Accept a Correct to Vegetarian Meals?. Vegetarian Journal Mar/April 2001. Retrieved 19 August 2015.
  2. ^ Liu, Benjamin Pi-Wei. "UCLA Law Review". UCLA Police Review. 51 (4): 1151–1201.
  3. ^ Wilson, Donovan West. (1982-12-19). "Prison house Food: Non Fancy, But -". The New York Times. p. NJ19.
  4. ^ Are Clark County Jail meal requests kosher? That'south one issue facility is facing every bit spike in special religious diets sends food costs soaring, 2013-01-20
  5. ^ U.Southward. Prisons to Brainstorm Offering Vegan Entrées in Oct 2016, 2016-09-26
  6. ^ a b Naim, Cyrus (2005). "Prison Food Law". Harvard Law School. Archived from the original on May 10, 2013.
  7. ^ Bach, George (Oct 1, 2013). "Defining "Sufficiently Serious" in Claims of Cruel and Unusual Penalty". Drake Law Review. 62 (ane): ane–39.
  8. ^ Waite, Jennifer Prison Food: What Are America's Inmates Eating? Archived 2014-05-x at the Wayback Car
  9. ^ a b c d "Food Behind Bars Isn't Fit for Your Dog". Truthdig: Expert Reporting, Electric current News, Provocative Columnists.
  10. ^ "What Do Y'all Eat In Prison".
  11. ^ Cate, Sandra (2008). ""Breaking Breadstuff with a Spread" in a San Francisco County Jail". Gastronomica. 8 (3): 17–24. doi:10.1525/gfc.2008.8.three.17. ISSN 1529-3262.
  12. ^ Veronese, Keith (July 30, 2012). "10 Revolting Foods That People Take Fabricated in Prison". Gizmodo.
  13. ^ "Life in Jail | Prison Life in the 1800s". Archived from the original on February 12, 2015.
  14. ^ "Serving Time: Prisoner Diet and Practise - National Inspect Function (NAO) Report". National Audit Office.
  15. ^ "British Prison Food: Today's Prison house Meals". www.foodreference.com.
  16. ^ "Arab republic of egypt: in prison away". GOV.Britain.
  17. ^ "How to Eat in an Egyptian Prison house". www.vice.com.
  18. ^ "Archived re-create" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2021-03-17. Retrieved 2020-07-24 . {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy every bit title (link)
  19. ^ "Life in a Saudi jail". Bangalore Mirror.
  20. ^ "Delicious And Disturbing Prison Nutrient From Around The World". So Yummy. February 25, 2019.
  21. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2019-07-26. Retrieved 2020-07-24 . {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  22. ^ Jones, Michael Owen (2014). "Dining on Death Row: Concluding Meals and the Crutch of Ritual". Journal of American Folklore. 127 (503): 3. doi:10.5406/jamerfolk.127.503.0003. S2CID 144164543.
  23. ^ Greenwood, Arin (June 24, 2008). "Tin can prison food be unconstitutionally bad?". Slate Magazine.
  24. ^ "What's Worse Than Solitary Confinement? But Taste This". Archived from the original on 2007-09-28. Retrieved 2012-05-14 .
  25. ^ "Vermont inmates telephone call food foul, sue over information technology". NBC News.
  26. ^ Barclay, Eliza (2014). "Nutrient As Punishment: Giving U.S Inmates 'The Loaf' Persists". Corrections Forum. 16 (4): 24–26.

External links [edit]


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prison_food

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